Sunday, October 31, 2010

Wards Ap Biology Lab 5 Question Answers

week of action against vivisection

Questa settimana è dedicata alla lotta contro una barbarie senza limiti, praticata dietro la scusa della scienza e del bene dell'umanità. Ci schieriamo con tutto il cuore a favore di questa battaglia, e facendolo dobbiamo chiarire 3 punti essenziali:
1. Piagnistei e animali pucci-pucci
questo schierarsi non significa affatto che  facciamo piagnistei sugli animalucci pucci-pucci, poi però i medicinali (testati sugli animals) for us and our children use them , etc., and even then we are hypocrites and ignorant. And it is not NOT want to see the great distress of health problems that still plague humanity today because the real medical research, in this assumption, is the great innocent. If vivisection were restricted, and really in a controlled, limited to situations where the real priorities of medical science, we could say that almost solved the problem. But the truth is that this monstrous practice, instead of being down (thanks to the immense possibilities given by the in vitro testing), is abnormal growth, perché:
a.  alimenta ricerche ignobili a fine di lucro, volte solo a "scoprire" cose di cui non abbiamo nessun bisogno
b. viene utilizzata per testare, a tappeto, l'immane proliferazione di cosmetici che ci affligge, nonché tutti i detersivi, gli insetticidi, i deodoranti per la casa, le creme, gli shampi e qualunque sghiribizzo dell'industria chimica e cosmetica; 
c. last, but not least,  costituisce un business essa stessa .
E per tutte queste ragioni poteri ben più grandi di chi fa la vera ricerca hanno sollecitato, and obtained the shameful European law on vivisection just approved to blame for countless reasons .. up to the arbitrary cruelty, which can follow an animal's kidnap allocated it to the scalpel.

2. Priorities for emergencies
dried Many argue that "before" there are human rights then .. and so on. At the infamous argument with speciesism say the words that you find at the following video:
"Who is scandalized by compassion, and prays" take charge rather than the children who are starving, the oppressed, the sick ", we reply: If you really care about justice, perhaps it is you who are forgetting something. Why did he not make sense to compete in a battle of civilization with another: each supports them all, each claims the whole of humanity. After using the animals for a long time, our most famous oncologist now says it is a useless cruelty, and to fight for abolition is a duty for those who feel an urgency of morality. We add that the thing that most outraged at a harrowing topic already is such a shame to be accepted, and indeed, today, boosted in order to test cosmetics and support research aimed only to produce profits, even falling in almost all The argument of "science for humanitarian purposes. "But the step is implicit sanction that profit should prevail over compassion that, therefore, the wealth of one can justify the agony and despair of others. This is the most dangerous thing that can happen: something on which We can not distract us. Under the disguise of a thousand lies and arguments hairy, is exactly what is happening, even where there could be no illusion of a democracy curbing horror. Not so: if we care about the basic principles of coexistence and solidarity, we can not delegate to anyone on their defense, much less distracting on any ideological argument, that is empty. "

3. Connection between the topic "vivisection" Democracy
This topic is something that no one ever thinks, but it is well established by the just mentioned: if we accept that the slain beings, and sprinkled with enormous suffering for profit, it is true that " step implicit sanction that profit should prevail over compassion that, therefore, the wealth of one can justify the agony and despair of others. This is the most dangerous thing that can happen: something on which we can not distract .
TRUE. True democracy is to understand that there is no individual happiness outside of the common good, democracy is participatory democracy striving for truth, to defend true democracy and to help raise the consciousness of the planet and therefore the possibility of salvation for all.
Here, in the video below is an extract from an accurate service that also reports the views of those who are in favor of vivisection for medical purposes:

Here the Full Service .
MORAL ... You are all invited to send as much as possible this week, messages in favor of animal rights, and to go all the event which will be held Saturday, November 6 in Montichiari, near the horrible breeding of Green Hill.
We also point out a blog Committee Montichiari and facebook group that is concerned with the same subject.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

How To Obtain Nose Herpes

And no, Father Zanotelli do not you touch it

Con sconcerto ci è capitato sotto mano un articolo pieno di accuse senza senso rivolte a Padre Zanotelli , apparso su 'Il Giornale' del 27 ottobre 2010,   a firma di un certo Marco Zucchetti . Allora.. questo non è un blog politico! però... giù le mani da Alex Zanotelli.
Ci fa piacere incocciare in una reazione, che si presenta sotto forma di lettera allo stesso giornale, che non sappiamo se sia stata pubblicata. Ma ci stanno pensando vari blog. La pubblichiamo anche noi!   
"Dear Mr. Marco Zucchetti, I am writing not to go into the content (waste disposal in Campania, etc.). And not to take up the defense motion to Gad or father Alex Zanotelli Lerner. The people that I know to be above a certain way of writing, and certainly did not need to be defended by me. I find, in fact, his article really disgusting, especially the tones used against persons. It seems really rude to his father write Zanotelli, stressing his clothes .... We have already seen discredit the work of one person, a judge in Milan, starting the color of socks. In his article, p. Zanotelli is almost ridiculed for wearing a "Magnum PI Hawaiian shirt worthy of a trip to the King Kamehameha Club, pashmina rainbow monumental ring on his finger ..." Maybe she does not know that p. Zanotelli, which continues to be a missionary and not 'ex' as she wrote, he lived for 10 years in the Korogocho slum on the outskirts of Nairobi. I do not think you ever went there. I have been there only a week, and I assure you that is a situation circle of hell. The shirt that p. Alex wears is not Hawaiian, but ... is made by a cooperative of women's own slum where he vissuto. Almeno per questo meriterebbe un po’ più di rispetto, non crede? E anche il ‘monumentale anello’ è il patto di fedeltà ai popoli indigeni. Portare un anello così è un grande impegno per una persona, non un motivo su cui scherzare.  P. Zanotelli, attualmente direttore della rivista Mosaico di pace, a cui anch’io collaboro, promossa da Pax Christi, ha tutta la nostra stima e la nostra riconoscenza per la sua costante, coerente e coraggiosa testimonianza. Dalla parte degli ultimi.  Mi spiace che, come avviene sempre più spesso, invece di affrontare le questioni… si affrontino le persone, magari mettendole in ridicolo per spegnerne la forza profetica e di testimonianza, riducendole, come lei dice, a ‘esagitati’.  Distinti saluti"  don Renato Sacco
E.. qui a sinistra, il nostro dolce Alex Zanotelli nella sua mise da pisquano che, secondo 'Il Giornale', dovrebbe indurci a diffidare del suo lavoro e magari farci pensare che goda di una notorietà e un'autorevolezza sovrastimate o immeritate.
Bè.. anche secondo noi Alex Zanotelli si difende da solo. Il sig. Zucchetti sottolinea that " a curriculum worthy of the prophets no global Don Gallo and Don Vitaliano. True! and therefore has won the respect of someone who has had dealings with him, to love him enough to know who is what it always has. But even if you defend well on its own, the same we want to defend ourselves.
And we agree with the author of the letter, even when linking this incident to another famous attack, which by its nature rightly raised not only controversial but also the sound mockery of comedians.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Watch Back To School Online

Blogcandy of jewelry!

There 's this nice and inviting Laura of candy !!!!!
a fine jewelry is always a pleasure!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Clip Art Of Littlest Pet Shop

Thanks! !

Thanks ...
too late ... but better late than never!

discarded ...

... and hung up!
I have no intention of waiting for Christmas!

I Do It Hair By Myammee

Back ... to do my duty! Blog-candy

is not my habit to go away ... but some sudden and necessary commitments have kept me away from what in some ways is my valve of rest and serenity ... my blog!

first to tell friends that I have won my first giveaway that I am not forgotten about them!

Here's the first prize winner:

a needle cover and a minimal pincushion

the second and third
a pair of underwear with pincushions and scent mostrilloportachiavi (clearly inspired by so many tutorials on the felt)!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lupus More Condition_symptoms En Español

Tragedy, tragedy. Terrible tragedy: red rivers of poison and pain, and the rain has nothing to do. As always the blame is ours.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Darmowy Serwer Php Mysql Bez Reklam

E 'October 2 ... good day to save

Did you know that October 2nd is the day of the Guardian Angels? check the calendar.
And on this day is born on Mahatma Gandhi, not surprisingly, therefore, the UN has established on this date the International Day of Non-Violence , inviting everyone, on this day to promote thoughts and actions aimed at "non-violent spread the message, including through information and public awareness."
The Guardian Angel is specific to the October 2 Ha'Amiyah (or Haamiah), sixth beam angelic choir in the Martian Powers. Be warned, you were born between September 29 and October 3, because this angel will try to push the boundaries where compassion can make bundles on their shoulders. But, like all the guardian angels, Ha'Amiyah has an opposite among the angels of the abyss, which in this case is called Ambolin, who will contend for compassion in you to feed the vanity and materialism. And here arises a problem: if we close the door of my heart that the compassion keeps it open, you will suffer less, in theory. At least you do not suffer the misfortunes of others. All our energies can be designed to achieve those results that, today, are exchanged for "values" as trigger the envy of others. But it's not worth anything, in reality. If the heart is closed any wealth or beauty are in vain, no longer needed at all. That's what people always forget to grab labors: and then, when he got what they gave up to his heart, he always asks "why is not happy."

Einstein says: "I believe that in our time the vision of Gandhi is the most enlightened among those of all politicians. We should strive to do things according to his spirit to fight for our causes with violence, but not take part in everything that we feel bad. "

"Questo è dedicato ai visionari, agli spostati, ai ribelli, a quelli che piantano grane, ai pesci fuor d'acqua (...), perché quelli che son pazzi abbastanza da pensare di poter cambiare il mondo, sono quelli che ci riescono".

Friday, October 1, 2010

What Is Pleurisy More Condition_symptoms

govern the city with heart

Il primo gesto che fece Jaime Lerner da sindaco, quando agli albori degli anni Ottanta fu incaricato di governare una città amazzonica che affogava nelle difficoltà e nell'indigenza, fu lanciare "a campanha do lixo": cioè, la campagna della spazzatura. Che era molto semplice: per ogni chilo di pattumiera raccolta dalla strada, e consegnata all'amministrazione comunale, questa avrebbe dato in cambio 1 litro di latte.
Os meninos da rua, cioè i bambini di strada che sopravvivevano rovistando (appunto) nella spazzatura, si scatenarono: e fu l'inizio di una rivoluzione che ha fatto di Curitiba una città avveniristica, all'avanguardia nella sostenibilità, nell'efficienza e nella solidarietà.
Perché ve lo racconto..? Mah.. vorrei ricordarlo agli aspiranti sindaci che si stanno muovendo, ora, per le loro campagne elettorali. Spero che qualcuno possa trarre, da questa notizia, un'ispirazione. O forse ho solo bisogno di poesia; e una notizia così non invecchia, è come una poesia che per sempre risuona nel mondo.