Sunday, November 28, 2010

Concrete Bathtub Costs

Christmas is coming ... quick quick lunch

and for many of us work quivers


between a cup of tea and a biscuit


while the children play and think the letter to Santa Claus


le nostre mani 








Buon lavoro a tutte noi

Saturday, November 27, 2010

120-55 Queens Blvd Kew Gardens, Ny Ny 11424

cybersquadristi attacking women in the network

On November 25, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women ", Anna has received several times the following message:
Subject : Facebook Warning
Hello! A picture you uploaded it violates our terms of use, therefore it was removed. Facebook does not allow you to publish photos attacking individuals or groups or containing nudity, violent or drug use , or that otherwise violate our Terms of Use. Our policies are designed to ensure that Facebook remains a safe, secure and reliable for all users, including many teenagers who use the site. If you have questions or concerns, please visit our FAQ page at .
The Facebook Team

Then il suo profilo è morto: sparito, volatilizzato; di lei non resta più nulla, nessuna traccia, uno strascico.. nemmeno più un commento, un respiro, un sussulto nel web. Anna svanisce in un affascinante mistero. Su lei aleggia, solo, l'infamante accusa che la bandisce da fb: HA POSTATO CONTENUTI VIOLENTI O PORNOGRAFICI.

Ora, chi ha incocciato questo profilo, che era totalmente APERTO, sa che Anna:
1. non solo NON ha MAI postato alcunché di violento e tantomeno pornografico, ma al contrario promuoveva un messaggio ESPLICITAMENTE Gandhiano (e questo dice tutto);
2. On the other hand it is not surprising that this can lead to firing, since Gandhi is dead killed;
3. back to Anna: its profile in the world interested in encouraging democratic participation, but never openly join or comment on any form of violent dissent, justified or not, without disclosing either condemn or other profile pages very combative (which was against the government against individuals, against principles), but merely to promote a constructive, particularly humanitarian and ever so gentle and discreet;
4. except its earliest onset (still inexperienced when he clicked the "suggestions of friends 'requests for swaps), Anna did not ask friends, NEVER send mass messages, untagged other profiles, NE' has never attacked anyone or railed against anyone, nor raised invective ;
5. Specifically, most recently his work was also very low profile ... in the last 10 days there were only two images appeared: an advertisement in the fifties and a white ribbon against violence.

PERO ': Anna was enrolled in numerous pages for the human rights of children, the environment, animals and self-determination WOMEN.
And that, among the squad of the Web immediately and without appeal, includes a profile among the "NAZIFEMMINISTE" to delete: no sin, no vehement politics, no more or less violent defense of vested interests is a crime worse than that.

For this reason, many profiles of women are systematically eliminated, again using the same technique: presumably hired teams (I hope for them), are concentrated in the same time, with tens of Profle FALSE (that is created specifically purpose), which simultaneously strafed a target following this procedure:
1. first you attack the profile accusing him of not existing (ie of having a false name): this is immediately blocked. Then it will be reopened, perhaps, who knows, depends on the case, only after an appropriate period of time (even months) during which fb performs extensive checks and collects personal information. In the meantime, this profile "exists" and is visible, but inaccessible to the owner. And that, as Anna's friends recall, was duly happened: his profile has been locked for over a month in October, and then (after radiography fb) "returns".
2. If this attempt fails to go to the shooting itself : the platoon's fire at the same time the false accusation, given the profile (or an image) to be "violent, pornographic or" etc., decreeing cancellation. And tell me if it is NOT a performance.

indeed it is, and it works: Since fb is not an editorial, but an automatic system calibrated to predefined algorithms, the statistical incidence of reported enough to decree the death of the profile that this time it burns like a crematorium and disappears unnoticed from the chimney.

's all. Oh no .. missing the fact that many profiles are attached ignored, and in silence, because FB is feared that the organization squads unleash attacks. You can not condemn something or someone if no one defends you, putting you alone, yourself, at risk of being attacked.

And now the conclusions and greetings:
1. Dear friends of ex-fb , to explain why this does not exist anymore, a hug for everyone.

2. At Facebook: your platform is so sophisticated that has become obsolete. Your robot does not know to protect the weak, as it is a robot. I suggest you arm yourselves with an editorial team made up of living beings, able to discern, I realize that it would cost more money but without the soul are useless, then, as you might have the luxury of it, maybe we think.

3. Cari squadristi: a voi che rantolate in un odio per me inspiegabile, e a quelli che vi si vendono per così poco.. se sapeste come mi dispiace per voi. Ma NON scherzo e non sono sarcastica; mi dispiace davvero, sinceramente e profondamente.
Come avrete capito, io sono fra le estimatrici di una maître a penser la cui Weltanshauung è: sono così oca che voglio bene a tutti . Possiamo dire che proprio l'incontro con lei ha prodotto anche "me", cioè il fatto che anche I express an .. and with me, the same has happened to others, so to play for fun, for renewed confidence. Do you know why .. because we are so, so I have! So I love you too. I hate the wicked, in fact I love them, because only Love dissolves the bad, and when I found out I was not alone, you do not know what fun it is.
But I had to figure out why, from time immemorial, the geese move in packs, undervalued by everyone quickly forget who saved the Capitol.

However, is that your attacks will leave me indifferent .. do not worry: I was quite saddened. Yet it still is not enough, I do not know how to tell you. Not enough to NOT want to have hours to send a greeting and tell you that night, praying for Almighty redeem even the demons, I send a kiss to you.
Anna Italy

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Simple Swing Set Blueprints

The only way to change a violent boyfriend and find another

just ended was an important day as " International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women ". Istituita da più di dieci anni, eppure sono ancora in pochi a conoscerla.
A maggior ragione, prima che questa data dilegui del tutto, è il momento giusto per fare a tutti un invito: previeni la violenza. Adotta la campagna: la violenza ha mille volti, impara a riconoscerli .  Già.. mille volti, e fra questi anche quello descritto oggi su le Donne Ultraviolette:

Oggi, 25 novembre, Giornata Internazionale CONTRO la violenza sulle donne. Focalizziamoci bene. Ricordiamoci che "violenza" NON è solo quella che si esprime con i lividi, ma soprattutto the humus on which the bruises thrive, the same that can produce the abomination of official certificates of virginity to the brides. The author of this article concludes by saying that no one can be optimistic that things can change until the rights (human) of the women will be decided by men (males). I agree and the brackets (mine) but I also believe (your) ".

How to disagree? L ' Article tells a story tragically true, and the most tragic thing is that it is a true story TODAY, mica in the stone age.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Best Of Denise Milani

Women, blacks and other animals

As they say on a good note, facebook, Women ultraviolet
1. We are against cruelty
2. speciesism, racism, sexism, are all things that have a common root in . Negri, women, beasts . They are all beings who have experienced on their skin the consequences of certain "priority".
and add .. Jews, children, homosexuals, Martians .. those who live far away from us .. in short, all those for which there are too many who can not empathize.

in Montichiari The event was incredible!
.. but beware .. rumors tell us that women are being unleashed, the depths of silence and darkness are coming to the surface, and make their voices heard, which will be good for the world: a partire dalle donne stesse agli altri animali tutti. 
A breve aggiornamenti, su questi schermi.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Clip Art - Inspecting Product

... ...

…con tanti colori!!!



Ognuno prende la propria col nome!!!!


magari …poi …allunga le mani per una fetta di pane o brioches dal cestino…

IMG_6882   IMG_6878   IMG_6880