Monday, August 30, 2010
'i-catcher Console - Web Monitor'
E 'arrived of the circus dittatura e dell'islamizzazione autoritaria.
Un "circo che ci umilia", scrive Repubblica .
Un comizio vergognoso, dichiarazioni inaccettabili nella cornice di una "ospitalità" che è uno spettacolo degradante.
Bossi, dove sei?
Santanché, dove sei?
Difensori dell'occidentalità contro i barbari dove siete?
Tutti zitti, frusciano i soldi.
Povera Oriana, invasata e sanguigna quanto si vuole, nell'enfasi capace anche di passare per razzista; ma anche testimone instancabile della verità, là dove ai suoi occhi qualcosa era vera. Libera e mai a disposizione di nessuno, a NESSUNO e per niente si sarebbe venduta. E anche Cassandra inascoltata e linciata da troppe parti e troppo frettolosamente.
Tu ora non staresti zitta.
Donne... dimostriamo che 500 escort si possono anche trovare, ma non sono queste le "donne".
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Herniated Disc Treatment More Condition_symptoms
Il Comitato Internazionale contro la Lapidazione ha indetto per il prossimo 28 agosto una giornata mondiale di protesta contro questa pratica rivoltante , degna solo di trogloditi insani di mente. Un'azione che solo una grave turba mentale può indurre to be permitted.
And with that, strictly means worthy of the same considerations as any practice whip, maim, humiliate, with physical abuse and psychological torture, in a word. Something we thought was in danger of extinction, but which is rising to prominence as a mass practice, not merely the prerogative of those Martians call "Taliban", but as part of a "law" prevalent in many parts of the world, where does hand with the most hideous oppression of one kind in particular: women .
all part of a Nazi tribal and medieval, flying surreal misconceptions peddled as "religious", and supported by the rivers of petrodollars managed by powerful authoritarian states, is no less dangerous than Nazism itself.
more so because these countries are allies of the same lobby that dominate the West.
Oppose. Participate. Share. Be informed. All help to make this day a truly collective cry, a protest could be heard. Share
you too, on your blog and fb, the call to mobilize, published this picture:
and this link call.
Monday, August 16, 2010
We granted a quick visit to the capital ... even if the husband continued to work
me and my children have done tourists morning
question: What did you like in rome?
answer: the pencils!!
impressions of the metro:
G. three years is pretty scary and clean (!!!!!!!!!!)
V. 6 years "it was nice to stamp the tickets
Piazza di Spagna
San Pietro
mother: "We are entering St. Peter's Square"
G. three years "... where is the output?"
San Pietro
Fontana di Trevi
Mother of 'to his two children by throwing a coin into the fountain ...
G. three years, "I buy the candy !!!!"
Fontana di Trevi
The awakening of Seward Johnson, Eur
Honestly I wanted to know and have coffee with some friends in Rome but I was just not possible!
Grace forgive me!!
I would have liked to know and see the presence of your masterpieces!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Sinusitis More Condition_symptoms Wikipedia
Bondi who beats his wife. Would you believe? But "who does not admit the unthinkable will not discover the truth" (A. Einstein).
August, time of Gossip: 2000 News on Sandro Bondi + sunstroke. Sorry. Blame the beach! We have not been able to resist. We are human beings too!
What do you think of her former husband Mr Podesta?
"Sandro Bondi is a man who has always sought only power. If I had been offered to the left, he would return there. She lives in total subservience to Berlusconi and is jealous of Maria Vittoria Brambilla For (...) whole life was now under the thumb of their parents and the new partner (MP Manuela Repetti PDL). It 'was a violent and unfaithful husband, and is (still) an absent father.'m mad black. "
The former Mrs. Bondi tells us in fact Bondi in the early years was a good husband, although she remained for some time. Then a few years later, the turning point: Bondi is struck by Berlusconi to the point that the two men moved to Bondi Arcore, here a new social success leads Mr. Bondi a new social life with an assortment of betrayal. Since late 1998, then, tensions in the family would tumble into revealing her husband unexpectedly violent personality with a lot of domestic violence. In the meantime, he starts a double life (second-home owners and second wife) and do not deal with the child, outside the imposing image of the family model.
But how .. a man so sweet .. that takes pictures while praying joined hands ... a kind soul .. and his poems?! at least his poems, save ..?
"NO. They are not spontaneous and I have never liked."
Mr Bondi, please: belies these claims. Make peace with his ex-wife, says that he still loves. Write a poem.
PS-expected sudden surge in sales of "Bondi. The Complete Poems" (if that has already published).
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Bunions Treatment More Condition_symptoms
Thanks to a 'friend, the owner of a beautiful shop in my native village alongside the Alcantara Gorges ...
photos from Flickr BA
... I have at home these materials, not just classical, ready, however, some satisfactory completion I hope!
But for now, still do not talk!
I enjoy my holidays and those of my husband (since he on vacation until mid-September and will not go !!!!)
previsione di un anno scolastico ricco di novità
( il mio grande sarà in prima elementare…il mio piccolo in un nuovo asilo,con nuove insegnanti e nuovi compagnetti !!!!)
mi godo il sole e il mare di Sicilia…
anche per chi non ha la fortuna neanche per una settimana di gioire della granita con la brioche
foto di kphua da flickr