Saturday, August 21, 2010

Herniated Disc Treatment More Condition_symptoms

Say NO. August 28, 2010: 100 cities against the disgusting, unacceptable, troglodyte STONING

Il Comitato Internazionale contro la Lapidazione ha indetto per il prossimo 28 agosto una giornata mondiale di protesta contro questa pratica rivoltante , degna solo di trogloditi insani di mente. Un'azione che solo una grave turba mentale può indurre to be permitted.
And with that, strictly means worthy of the same considerations as any practice whip, maim, humiliate, with physical abuse and psychological torture, in a word. Something we thought was in danger of extinction, but which is rising to prominence as a mass practice, not merely the prerogative of those Martians call "Taliban", but as part of a "law" prevalent in many parts of the world, where does hand with the most hideous oppression of one kind in particular: women .

all part of a Nazi tribal and medieval, flying surreal misconceptions peddled as "religious", and supported by the rivers of petrodollars managed by powerful authoritarian states, is no less dangerous than Nazism itself.
more so because these countries are allies of the same lobby that dominate the West.
Oppose. Participate. Share. Be informed. All help to make this day a truly collective cry, a protest could be heard. Share

you too, on your blog and fb, the call to mobilize, published this picture:

and this link call.


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