Monday, September 27, 2010

Exhaustion More Condition_symptoms.

closed and winners !!!!!

Before each list, extraction, best wishes from here 'and the' ...
I have to tell you a thing or two ....


for your participation, for your affection and the many words that I have warmed my heart in these days of the first cold!! Life is

strange .. brings you many coincidences and oddities ...
26, as you know it was our wedding anniversary ... well! We celebrated with 500 km. ... half of the work is important ... and these days you have to recognize the many sacrifices to be together ... and the birthday of our little man ... Thursday ... we decided it was better to sacrifice for the w stay with him the next ... heee! love is ....

now! here is the list ... in order to extract the message

  1. Alessia
  2. Tivat
  3. Throw
  4. Gabry
  5. Etoile
  6. Betsabe
  7. Sofia
  8. between the
  9. Soribel
  10. Chiara C.
  11. Chiara factory of ideas
  12. Laura
  13. Manifattive
  14. Elena Fiore
  15. Stef
  16. Viola
  17. Chani
  18. Mem
  19. Anto
  20. LULLIN
  21. Elizabeth
  22. Linda
  23. Paola
  24. The goodies Danny
  25. Monica Rosa
  26. Kreattiva
  27. The fairy Giopa
  28. Galadriel
  29. Alessandra Francesca Lace
  30. Terry982
  31. Goska
you trust when I tell you that I did the extraction
but the results have not been able to publish them here ... the next my little man will be assigned to all .... it's best!

drum rolls!!
he! heeee!!

1 st winner: 20---LULLINA
2 nd winner: 22----LINDA
3 rd winner: 12---LAURA

the gift ????? ah! you! I still have to pack it ... so a couple of days ... I ask you!

forgive me ... more for the suspense!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Shingles Condition_symptoms

prepare them, even by us, Columbine-style massacres?

But ... to news, news zero. An anecdote that seems to slip away amid a thousand others without meaning.
1. THE NEW (well known and well-known):
Military Training in Ministry programs: The Agreement Russian ** *- Gelmini

While the school is in shambles with indiscriminate cuts in essential programs on the ground that "no money", the economic resources that we thought there were not flock to the friendly reintrodurvi model "books and musket" of Mussolini's memory.

3. The question arises: Why do we need
, when our students do not know not even speak Italian , to draw even with us all the conditions for gay Columbine-style massacres?

Take the train, of not being menoooo .. took the train to look like a great lord! And 'maybe this! .. to be less provincial? paramilitary introduce courses in our schools, which already stand out for students host of the most ignorant of Europe ? Not to be less than qualcuno che in materia di violenza fra gli studenti (e dunque, poi, fra gli adulti) vanta indiscussi primati che ancora ci mancano ?

* ministro della difesa che sa di cosa parla, essendosi adeguatamente allenato per la vita, negli anni Settanta, nei gruppi extraparlamentari di "destra"
** ministro dell'istruzione che definisce "folclore" il tappezzamento di simboli di partiti (amici del suo partito) nelle scuole pubbliche

Thursday, September 23, 2010

South Park Streaming The List

I won my first blog candy ...

... or as she aptly named Chiara, his compli-away !!!!, greetings to you on your anniversary!!



Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tech Deck And Using Them For Education

against the manufacture of puppies for vivisection: Mobilize all

Vi tiro di nuovo per la giacca, e questa volta (se possibile) ancora più forte del solito.. VENITE A ROMA, sabato 25 settembre! PRIMA MANIFESTAZIONE NAZIONALE CONTRO LA VIVISEZIONE , h. 15 Piazza della Repubblica
Do you believe a problem almost over? a drama endangered ..? You were wrong.

are helpless, are the most innocent of all .. Who defends them? do not leave them alone! from wherever we are, they need to move your butt and decide to make that jump in Rome we were already referring to a lot of time.
For those who can not come from Milan to Rome, the same date, same time: garrison in Piazza Duca d'Aosta.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Physical Energy To Become A Wolf

School Adro: final fireworks

If you could not be mobilized today to Adro on this video you can see it ...
Ora, che la ministra Gelmini è stata costretta a ricordarsi di essere un Ministro della Repubblica e dunque a intervenire, e ha ordinato la rimozione dei simboli di partito dalla scuola, la scuola di Adro verrà liberata?
Ce lo auguriamo, ma credo che abbiamo imparato che è meglio non disinteressarsi troppo.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Increased Cervical Mucus Before Period

Small clutch ...

I needed a small clutch bag that I could combine it with a little black dress and white cotton sateen ...
had at home sateen ... and here you go ... some applications of Swarovski crystal ... and that's it!

e poi è facile sono in rete decine di tutorial!!!

Fotos De Littlest Pet Shop

marry Chen Guangbiao. If the Revolution of Thought infects the millionaires

Come saprete, prima dell'estate Bill Gates e Warren Buffet (rispettivamente 2° e 3° più ricchi al mondo) hanno lanciato un appello agli altri ricconi sfondati per restituire ricchezze alla società sotto forma di beneficenza: in pochi mesi 40 miliardari americani hanno destinato alla filantropia metà dei loro patrimoni, per fantastilioni di dollari (dopo la morte, ok, c'è da aspettare un po'; ma molti di loro ci sono molto vicini..).
Primi di settembre: pellegrinando a caccia di miliardari da convincere, Bill e Warren arrivano in Cina, annunciando per il 29 settembre (giorno dell'Arcangelo Michele!!) un invito a cena con fregatura: vieni all'evento! sarai sollecitato a scucire la grana. Sulle prime, i colleghi cinesi declinano freddini. Ma ecco che Chen Guangbiao (un signore seduto su circa 600 milioni di euro), nella notte si rotola fra mille emozioni. Poi, improvvisamente, si alza, prende carta e penna e va dove lo porta il cuore: cari amici eccetera, sono commosso dal vostro invito, devolverò il 100% dei miei beni, eccetera. Lecca the envelope, stamp, but then, for safety, also publishes the letter to Bill on the website. Chen broke the ice! thanks to him, the dinner organized by Bill in Beijing will not be a fiasco. And, in addition to commit yourself, Chen quickly convince other 100 (CENTO!) fellow billionaires to do the same ... (Or at least to attend the dinner to be convinced). And now China beats the U.S., because if the American billionaires have offered half of their assets, the Chinese re-launched with 100%.
Cabbages, Chen is my idol. A leader of a powerful company politically correct (the Jiangsu Huangpu Renewable Resources Utilization, which is responsible for clean energy and recycled materials), is the volunteer roles most humble and donates 70% of profits to the poor, gallons of grain in good causes. Over the past 10 years has reached more than 700,000 people with over 200 million euro. Chen
Dear, I am a diesel, very little use, and I love a spendthrift to charity. I have an organizational sense, and my dream of happiness is, in fact, wasting zillion dollars to relieve poor people of all levels making the world a funnier place. I'm always in a good mood, I cook fairly (especially with regard to time taken), and, ah yes, I am beautiful. Will you marry me? (Glue, stamps, etc., but also for public safety here).

And in Italy ..? Well, we are waiting for response that will give the invitation to Bill and Warren to the club of billionaires, our richest billionaire. But we are confident! because he, as well as tear, as grain, all the other many lengths off balance at every turn in favor of love, against the envy and hatred. NOT want to join? But it should be, 'come on! Imagine.

PS - This is my below Chen (my future boyfriend), while doing volunteer work as a vigil.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bone Spur More Condition_symptoms

Saturday, September 18, 2010: September 11 expression Adro

Demonstration in Adro, Saturday, September 18 : in defense of public schools. A cordone di serietà in difesa delle norme della convivenza civile; un cordone d'affetto in difesa di una cultura di fratellanza.
DIFESA: contro l'occupazione dei beni comuni da parte di partiti unici di qualunque tipo. Contro la concezione che basti "pagare" per calpestare le leggi. Contro il populismo che autorizza ogni violenza, bassezza, tradimento e spergiuro.
Appuntamento a Adro (Bs), in piazza Padre Costantino Ruggeri (ex piazza del Mercato), sabato 18 settembre 2010, h. 9.00.
Bandiere? spero nessuna bandiera di partito.. spero colorate bandiere della Pace; spero qualche tricolore. Dicono che venerdi e sabato pioverà... andiamo lo stesso; spero che faranno da bandiere tanti ombrelli a spicchi colorati.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Pregnancy Facts More Condition_symptoms

Thursday, September 9, 2010

How To Change Boat Floor

Giveeeeeeeeawayyyyyyyyyy !!!!!!!

Beh!!!!!!! Era ora!!!!

sui blog impazzano... a me piace l'idea di festeggiare... e perchè no?

un giveaway fa sempre primavera!!!!!

Giusto festeggiare, ma cosa direte voi festeggerò?

Piccolo aneddoto...all'età di 12-13 anni un signore mi disse che il numero 26 sarebbe stato per me significativo...fu vero! forse l'unica cosa che ci azzeccò!!!!

il March 26 to 17 years ago I met the man of my life! I was born on 26

I am married 26 years and
September 26th is my wedding anniversary, that twelve years ago, appealed on Saturday ... last Saturday in September and last Saturday before the harvest available! ! ahahahahaha !!!!!! then also pushed by fate!
and unfortunately June 26 to 10 years ago my dad is gone ...

Tour of words to tell you 26 good reasons (trovateveli !!!!!!!!) you to join my giveeeeeeawayyyyyy !!!!!!

rules for participation:

1) a comment to this post lasciando se siete anonimi un indirizzo mail per contattarvi in caso di vincita!!
2) appiccicate  sul vostro blogghino l'immagine e il link a questo mio post
3) prendetevi un quarto d'ora per dedicarlo a voi stesse,fate un sorriso in più pensando a come sia importante vivere con serenità la vita e pensate sempre positivo!!!
4) il termine di partecipazione è ... indovinate! 26 di settembre 2010

il mio regalo per voi sarà una sorpresa!!!!! forse due... forse tre!!!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Mopeds Rentals In Chicago

We're back!! Roman Holiday

Finito agosto finiscono le vacanze...iniziano i giorni Rain
begin preparations for the school, kindergarten, new jobs ...

I just be honest! I like to be involved in August arrived ... I'm looking forward to resuming life ruled by deadlines (of school children and all that entails daily life, work, family)

time remove some dust from my Bernina ... and more!
and soon you'll see some jobs that I have in mind to do ...
Among these ...

Amanda J.
work of some American quilters, I take inspiration ..... but not only, also by the talented Grace we showed her quilt with hexagons in "shirt" .. . I liked the idea so I'll try that too!
Well and see you soon!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Gay Cruising Charlotte Nc

My Rating

Intorno a ferragosto, mentre impazzavano gli uragani, sono stata investita da dardi di gloria provenienti per la precisione...all'inizio da Chiara, che trovate QUI (avvisaglia), e poi da Mari, e Gioia, che trovate QUI e QUI ; io, tenendomi il lasso di 15 gg che si concede anche agli sposi per i ringraziamenti, meglio tardi che mai oggi ringrazio. GRAZIE!!! Anzi, rilancio! questo vuole il galateo dei microbici oscar della rete, i quali servono, se ho ben capito, a far GIRARE le prestigiose testate dei blog, in modo che più persone ne vengano a conoscenza. TIME: the extensive blogroll that you find down there (on the left .. there is ... no, further down .. still a bit '... no, more down here ... .. what!), Already shows of all the blogs and sites that reward and I would like to know, every day. Those are my daily winners.
But here, in particular, I would point out some blog on the front lines to create trenches for the brain .. why not surrender; trenches with gardens, open skies and horizons. But even places where you sow, with patience, even modest semi, never for profit. Cabbages .. OASIS! here, what they are - among the many blogs that are resistant to battle in the desert surrounding the subculture of stupidity and empty. But are worth mentioning Some even those of a battle, chosen (to make happy those who treat women to the status of animals), including those targeted at women and animals (of course). Finally, I quote a few that are stuck .. properties, but I hope that you reactivate.

In short, the Dardos that I was entrusted with all my heart is thrown to the following blog, which you do not know if I call you to go and visit:

daily practice

abolish meat
little love

.. apparently abandoned by the first three years, the second from 2 ..! the third .. a losing battle? looks abandoned, too, although recently, but short, for all, here is a quote that I macumba staff to revive or resuscitate ... hoping it will resume.

And finally, like a boomerang, the premium returns obviously even to those who pulled me:
Chiara forever, and other Mari and Joy .

And finally .... all the more gladly do this post because I miss the BLOG DAY , which appealed the August 31, damn, but at this point it together today to celebrate dardos Award.

PS-oh yeah I forgot .. There would also be a regulation to post (uffa. ..) and that is this: if you accept the prize:
• Posting the logo of the award Dardos and (did)
• Link the blog (or blogs) from which you were awards (fact) 15
• link to other blogs warn you considered worthy and Award (made more or less)

or, in my opinion, just accept it and I'll keep you; DD

Friday, September 3, 2010

Breast Soreness More Condition_symptoms

Petroleum and prayers

The explosion of a platform in the Gulf of Mexico is sending in (further) panic Louisiana .
Meanwhile, the sea and the coast devastated strangely heartening news arrives ... surreal in his promises positive, although so far only hinted at.
The existence of oil-eating bacteria was known for some time, but this time it's not the bacteria are already known: it would seem that, in a prodigious effort of self-defense, the waters have been able to produce (or multiply very quickly) some previously unknown organism (Now called "Ocean spirilla) able to degrade, and neutralize the oil in prodigious rate.
"We've never seen anything better than the work done by this bacterium," said Terry Hazen (Director of Environment Department at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), indicating that DNA tests show that bacteria have the genes necessary for "digestion" of the oil. And some like to think that the work of nature should be supported and encouraged with all the strength and love of constructive thoughts.