Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fotos De Littlest Pet Shop

marry Chen Guangbiao. If the Revolution of Thought infects the millionaires

Come saprete, prima dell'estate Bill Gates e Warren Buffet (rispettivamente 2° e 3° più ricchi al mondo) hanno lanciato un appello agli altri ricconi sfondati per restituire ricchezze alla società sotto forma di beneficenza: in pochi mesi 40 miliardari americani hanno destinato alla filantropia metà dei loro patrimoni, per fantastilioni di dollari (dopo la morte, ok, c'è da aspettare un po'; ma molti di loro ci sono molto vicini..).
Primi di settembre: pellegrinando a caccia di miliardari da convincere, Bill e Warren arrivano in Cina, annunciando per il 29 settembre (giorno dell'Arcangelo Michele!!) un invito a cena con fregatura: vieni all'evento! sarai sollecitato a scucire la grana. Sulle prime, i colleghi cinesi declinano freddini. Ma ecco che Chen Guangbiao (un signore seduto su circa 600 milioni di euro), nella notte si rotola fra mille emozioni. Poi, improvvisamente, si alza, prende carta e penna e va dove lo porta il cuore: cari amici eccetera, sono commosso dal vostro invito, devolverò il 100% dei miei beni, eccetera. Lecca the envelope, stamp, but then, for safety, also publishes the letter to Bill on the website. Chen broke the ice! thanks to him, the dinner organized by Bill in Beijing will not be a fiasco. And, in addition to commit yourself, Chen quickly convince other 100 (CENTO!) fellow billionaires to do the same ... (Or at least to attend the dinner to be convinced). And now China beats the U.S., because if the American billionaires have offered half of their assets, the Chinese re-launched with 100%.
Cabbages, Chen is my idol. A leader of a powerful company politically correct (the Jiangsu Huangpu Renewable Resources Utilization, which is responsible for clean energy and recycled materials), is the volunteer roles most humble and donates 70% of profits to the poor, gallons of grain in good causes. Over the past 10 years has reached more than 700,000 people with over 200 million euro. Chen
Dear, I am a diesel, very little use, and I love a spendthrift to charity. I have an organizational sense, and my dream of happiness is, in fact, wasting zillion dollars to relieve poor people of all levels making the world a funnier place. I'm always in a good mood, I cook fairly (especially with regard to time taken), and, ah yes, I am beautiful. Will you marry me? (Glue, stamps, etc., but also for public safety here).

And in Italy ..? Well, we are waiting for response that will give the invitation to Bill and Warren to the club of billionaires, our richest billionaire. But we are confident! because he, as well as tear, as grain, all the other many lengths off balance at every turn in favor of love, against the envy and hatred. NOT want to join? But it should be, 'come on! Imagine.

PS - This is my below Chen (my future boyfriend), while doing volunteer work as a vigil.


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