Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hair Loss Women Causes More Condition_symptoms

March 5, 2011. Embrace stronger

opens his arms and hands tend to something, because too many, too many things that are in our hands require. What? What, one wonders, is in our hands? We do not have money, power, media, capacity for corruption .. all these things we lack, it is true. On the other hand we have in hand, all but a cumbersome thing which we need to handle: the responsibility.
Many (too many!) Believe that each of us can only be heard by anyone without a sleeveless ... but it is not true. We must believe that our small voice counts, each of us can represent that which can be fatal goccina the camel's back.
Tomorrow, Saturday, March 5, 2011: If you are in Milan, come to the Central Station to h. 15, to testify against vivisection !
give voice to creatures who can not speak, we tend them a hand, we're going to defend them against a world view that - just like the Nazis did against all the peoples of the Earth - crushes unchallenged, with enormous cruelty, all the animal world: in the name of "needs" of human nella realtà a solo vantaggio del profitto di un'oligarchia che distrugge tutto.

E se siete a Roma, andate sabato mattina, 5 marzo, al Colosseo, abbracciate la cultura ! Se siete a Matera l'appuntamento è ai Sassi, se siete a Palermo al Teatro Politeama; se siete a Cagliari all'Anfiteatro Romano; se siete a Padova alla Cappella degli Scrovegni...
Ovunque siate, ovunque siamo, abbracciamoci e abbracciamo il mondo, mandiamo un pensiero forte e chiaro, in difesa dei più deboli e della bellezza.


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