Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Salted butter flavored

Here is the latest and say the last recipe with salted butter 1889. Now, after four recipes I would say that I no longer have to spend too many words about the context of Farms Fiandino in collaboration with A Touch of Ginger . You all know.

This is The last recipe, prepared last week ... I think the easiest recipe I will ever offer! It is butter flavored, seasoned. At my house we make every genre: parsley, garlic, anchovy (needless to say that is my favorite !)... unfortunately I had so much at home as I prepared a mock carpaccio with smoked salmon I thought of myself a couple of sandwiches with dill butter and red pepper at this point I suggested that I use butter on a thread ... a sort of fillet with green pepper is not exact. Butter with green pepper in brine and chives (just checked on my balcony).

I've also added a version of the cake with jam dressing for toast, biscuits, ham or even smoked.
Here they are, beautiful, fragrant (I have to tell you that butter should still be good?), Very photogenic! I use them often for dinner in place, or for drinks .. believe me they do a very good figure! Sbizzarritevi odors and add your choice ...

For butter flavored with red pepper and dill
1889 salted butter 80 gr.
dill 1 teaspoon
pepper 2 teaspoons pink beans

For butter flavored with green pepper and chives
1889 salted butter 80 g
erba cipollina  4 steli
pepe verde in salamoia 2 cucchiaini

Tirare fuori dal frigo il burro salato 1889 elasciare ammorbidire. Tritare gli aromi. Lavorare il burro con una forchetta eaggiungere gli aromi. Disporre il burro aromatizzato in un pezzo di cartastagnola e riporre in frigorifero per qualche minuto per solidificarlo queltanto per potergli dare la forma che preferite. Una volta data la forma riporrein frigorifero fino a quando non si sarà risolidificato.
Il burro al pepe rosa è perfetto se usato percondire il salmone e il pesce in generale. Il burro al pepe verde sarà ottimoper condire carne, pesce, verdure. Entrambi sono deliziosi se usati perimburrare il pane e offerti per delle semplici tartine al salmone o al prosciuttocotto.

Per il burro con la marmellata:
burro salato 1889 80 gr
marmellata di more e lamponi home made 2 cucchiaini

Let the butter soften unsalted 1889, worked with a fork, add the marmalade and mix. Serve in a bowl. Good on toast, biscuit, pancake or crepe up, but also with canapés of smoked ham.


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