With the fever down his throat but still a piece I started to cook the dish I wanted to propose for the contest flour, baking powder and Fantasy right on the razor's edge ... Ends today! But I did it! We had to cook with seasonal fruits or nuts, but was forbidden to make desserts! Since I saw the constest I immediately liked seeing the fruit in the kitchen use it often.
Today I chose the pork tenderloin with apples, a classic, Graziella mom cooked a lot. As the mother Graziella prepares an excellent roast with prunes I decided to combine the two and I must say that, having been brushed in a second, no one spoke, making leaving only a few "mmm ..", "my mom ...." and "that stuff .." (well, we are the Romans, the double just could not keep it secret), has been a success.
course plums have a sweeter note that if you do not like, you can omit. The cinnamon the council and the council in sticks so as to give only a perfume and not a real flavor. You can also use pork, which is the classic piece of pork with apples-to-use, but I prefer the fillet cooks faster and is, of course, more tender. If you are new to the cooking of roast pork strongly suggest otherwise with the result might have a hard wad. If you're like My mother who is the undisputed Queen of the roast (I'm serious, give any piece of meat of any animal, and she makes a butter!
Believe me when I tell you that none of you ever eaten roast if you do not have Graziella tasted those!) then you can use the meat of your choice. You must use the apple pulp is juicy and not mealy.
We propose other recipes with the fruit because I have a lot (thanks to the dear friend of my mother Luisa).

fillet of pork with apples and prunes
pork fillet 600 gr
5 apples
prunes 10
50 g butter
cinnamon stick 1
extra virgin olive oil
In a large pot and pour a drop of low oil and heat up. Sauté 5 minutes per side over high heat being careful not to burn it. Remove from pan and place the fillet in a foil bag tightly sealed (place it in a ripiano di legno in modo da non far freddare la carne). Levare la pentola dal fuoco e pulire con un pezzo di carta assorbente eventuali residui sbruciacchiati. Mettere subito il burro nella pentola, finché è ancora calda, e quando comincerà a spumeggiare aggiungere le mele sbucciate e tagliate a cubetti e le prugne secche tagliate a metà. Sfumare con mezzo bicchiere di vino bianco, salare e pepare. Aggiungere la stecca di cannella tagliata a metà. Lasciare cuocere per 5 minuti. Levare il filetto dalla stagnola e rimettere nella pentola con la frutta. Far cuocere 15 minuti con il coperchio avendo cura di aggiungere un goccio di vino o acqua se necessario. Attendere che sia tiepido prima di tagliare a fette (altrimenti farete leave all the meat juices!). Remove the cinnamon sticks before serving.

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