Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lumbar Spinal Stenosis More Condition_symptoms

Lemon mousse (light)

more or less resurrected even by this influence, today I present the lemon mousse. I prepared yesterday for dessert for the birthday dinner for my dad. Yes, my father was born on 8 March, the feast of the woman. Usually my make a big party in our beautiful country house near the Falls of Monte Gelato. Memorable party full of friends (including some inevitable historical and my friends and my sister waiting eager these days!) With fire and music under the shade of the gigantic mimosa near the house in this period is full of flowers and smells like never before .

no party this year instead. Mum is unwell and diet, my Grandma is just out of rehab after fracture of the femur (but the usual rock 86enne grandmother has recovered so amazing) I have just recovered and several friends have had their problems. In short, to postpone celebrations. Even the poor and beautiful mimosa decided to leave: a nasty tornado had uprooted from the land and the neighboring farmer called us to let us know! On the other hand I have a house full of beautiful and fragrant yellow branches that my father led after going to remove the poor tree.

What have we done this year? A homemade dinner just us, mom, dad, sister and boyfriend babe, me and the Boyfriend Tiring. And since my father is a large sweet tooth with lemon (not too sweet!) I decided to make a dessert named after him: a good lemon mousse! Mom is on a diet? well, it makes the mousse light! And believe me, it's delicious! A delicate foam scented pale yellow and inviting. Needless to say that lemons have to be very good, maybe the scent of Amalfi lemons ... If you prepare a lemon mousse is essential that lemons are good, otherwise we will get a poor and anonymous mousse to forget easily. Serve in cups or glasses as I did. I remember seeing the image of these beautiful glasses with a lemon slice in transparency in the encyclopedia of Italian cooking and I liked it so much that I copied this beautiful presentation. Is realized easily by taking a finger (pulito!) the slice of lemon stuck to the glass with a spoon while we fill it with mousse. We lift a finger, lick it there (voluptuous), and add the last tablespoon to make a nice mound.

With this recipe also participate in the contest of Citrus Cinzia

Here are the doses for 6

lemon mousse
organic lemons 4
150 g sugar 6 eggs

cornstarch 1 tablespoon (optional)
water (or vodka!) 4 tablespoons

Grate the zest of 2 / 3 lemons and squeeze the juice of all 4. Separate the yolks from the whites and set aside. In a saucepan, whisk the yolks with sugar, add the juice and zest of lemons and spoons of water (or vodka). Mix. Cook the mixture water bath for about 5 minutes stirring constantly (be careful to the formation of lumps!). Add the cornstarch and cook about 5 minutes. Once you have a smooth and thick as a cream remove from heat. Let cool. Meanwhile, whip the egg whites not too firm. Add the lemon cream to the egg whites slightly at a time, stirring with a plastic or silicone spatula from the bottom up. Do not hurry, stir from bottom to top until the compounds are not perfectly mixed. Put into glasses and keep in refrigerator until ready to serve (and at least 1 hour).


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Gall Bladder And Itchy Skin

auguri ragazze! di vero !

Monday, March 7, 2011

Time After Removal Of Polyp In The Urine Bladder

A March 8 for women in Côte d'Ivoire

year, dell'eccidio centenary of women who gave birth to the International Women's Day 8 March, is also the tenth anniversary of 'women horrible massacre that took place in Algeria in 2001 . But the massacres of women never end; the last was only a few days ago, by the regime that currently dominates in Côte d'Ivoire .
I agree with this video to dedicate this 8 March women killed on this occasion, demonstrating for the rights of all: an invitation to join the call for all women, all over the world today are at the forefront in the struggle for rights and for a more just and free, for a more healthy respect for the planet, tolerance and peace.

HERE all the initiatives planned for this important day.

Liver Function Test More Condition_symptoms


you remember when in my post of meatballs oriental I said I wanted to create a book about meatballs? I prepared so many types of balls ... meat, fish, cereals, vegetables ...

Well, now there are those who gave birth to a new Blog: The Twitpolpette .

Let me explain: one night on Twitter I @ vivereincucina blog of life in the kitchen says that he never prepared the meatballs (???!!?) @ Robji_M (of the blog Crude and brick) and I have given the alien! Many join the discussion and the question becomes large meatballs. I twitter away from a day and on my return, I find the birth of Twitpolpette!

event online? Event off-line? Recipe? No one knew what to organize but also how to organize it. Meanwhile, the brilliant mind of Daniel's Without Cream body has been given to the many ideas that came out on twitter and the blog he founded The Twitpolpette. Genius. I also put myself among the authors in order to publish recipes for meatballs. Tomorrow will publish the first. Recipe that you readers already know. But maybe if someone is lost? Meanwhile

excuse the absence, but unfortunately I became ill again. I know it sounds absurd, influences continue. I refer to cook as soon as possible.

Happy Monday!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Brain Aneurysm More Condition_symptoms

regenerate ...

oggi qui a Torino era una splendida giornata...soleggiata, calda e serena. oggi siamo "riusciti" a uscire di casa, abbiamo preso Scarcassonne (la nostra macchinina!) e siamo andati fino a Stupinigi! ma che figo guidare...non credevo lo fosse così tanto! giuro!!! mentre ero sotto le grinfie di Ivan (vedi istruttore Aci") credevo che guidare fosse quasi una condanna...e invece, no! sto iniziando a prendere confidenza con la mia "piccolina", ma piano piano!
ecco oggi chi si è fatto vedere mentre eravamo Stupinigi the park ... I took this picture from the internet at home but there are better pictures of this ... Judith became even pray to run after him, crows, sparrows, squirrels did not make much difference ... for her, in fact, chased all but the most beautiful scene Judith is running high in the puddles and splashing ago ... it seemed crazy but I had fun like never before! next Sunday, hoping for good weather, we're going to make us another round ... who knows where, but well organized, and packed with snacks and drinks mangerie me .... I have to study well, well ...

Friday, March 4, 2011

Ptsd Treatment More Condition_symptoms

fillet of pork with apples and prunes

With the fever down his throat but still a piece I started to cook the dish I wanted to propose for the contest flour, baking powder and Fantasy right on the razor's edge ... Ends today! But I did it! We had to cook with seasonal fruits or nuts, but was forbidden to make desserts! Since I saw the constest I immediately liked seeing the fruit in the kitchen use it often.

Today I chose the pork tenderloin with apples, a classic, Graziella mom cooked a lot. As the mother Graziella prepares an excellent roast with prunes I decided to combine the two and I must say that, having been brushed in a second, no one spoke, making leaving only a few "mmm ..", "my mom ...." and "that stuff .." (well, we are the Romans, the double just could not keep it secret), has been a success.

course plums have a sweeter note that if you do not like, you can omit. The cinnamon the council and the council in sticks so as to give only a perfume and not a real flavor. You can also use pork, which is the classic piece of pork with apples-to-use, but I prefer the fillet cooks faster and is, of course, more tender. If you are new to the cooking of roast pork strongly suggest otherwise with the result might have a hard wad. If you're like My mother who is the undisputed Queen of the roast (I'm serious, give any piece of meat of any animal, and she makes a butter!

Believe me when I tell you that none of you ever eaten roast if you do not have Graziella tasted those!) then you can use the meat of your choice. You must use the apple pulp is juicy and not mealy.

We propose other recipes with the fruit because I have a lot (thanks to the dear friend of my mother Luisa).

fillet of pork with apples and prunes
pork fillet 600 gr
5 apples
prunes 10
50 g butter
cinnamon stick 1
extra virgin olive oil

In a large pot and pour a drop of low oil and heat up. Sauté 5 minutes per side over high heat being careful not to burn it. Remove from pan and place the fillet in a foil bag tightly sealed (place it in a ripiano di legno in modo da non far freddare la carne). Levare la pentola dal fuoco e pulire con un pezzo di carta assorbente eventuali residui sbruciacchiati. Mettere subito il burro nella pentola, finché è ancora calda, e quando comincerà a spumeggiare aggiungere le mele sbucciate e tagliate a cubetti e le prugne secche tagliate a metà. Sfumare con mezzo bicchiere di vino bianco, salare e pepare. Aggiungere la stecca di cannella tagliata a metà. Lasciare cuocere per 5 minuti. Levare il filetto dalla stagnola e rimettere nella pentola con la frutta. Far cuocere 15 minuti con il coperchio avendo cura di aggiungere un goccio di vino o acqua se necessario. Attendere che sia tiepido prima di tagliare a fette (altrimenti farete leave all the meat juices!). Remove the cinnamon sticks before serving.

Ulcers And Autoimmune Disease


EVVA !!!!!
!!!!! My first 10,000 visits are about to cross the finish line and this is also good reason to get my second giveaway ...

this is also a good reason to give thanks to you all on this journey that you gave me the joy of sharing what is my little love!

Thank you because it's nice and gratifying for me to receive a positive sentence at this time about what I did with my time and my choices!

Ho avuto anche la splendida opportunità di conoscere delle persone che mi hanno arricchito sotto ogni punto di vista

a queste persone è dedicato il mio umile grazie...
girovagando nei loro favolosi blog ho imparato varie tecniche
ho imparato come è difficile far conciliare passioni e obblighi
ho imparato come dal poco può nascere la vera ricchezza
ho imparato come persone speciali si pongano a te con umiltà e amore e voglia di condivisione

Il mio Giveaway coincide anche con un mio arrivederci...

me to stray a bit from the published works and words

not dedicate my free time and creative sewing patchwork
to give space to my packages and our transfer

PRECISELY ... we will go!!
but not lose sight ... even if I have to give up my connection haim 24/24 for a key again to buy ... who knows!

On my return .... and I hope to find all!! I'll tell you ....


The giveaway is purely playful, for nothing, no post, no reference to my post, leave a message only to contact you later ...

and as usual I have the pleasure of giving to the winner / her

green with little surprise in the clutch !

non mi resta che augurarvi Buona Fortuna!!!!

Dimenticavo : tempo utile per il premio fino al 21 marzo 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hair Loss Women Causes More Condition_symptoms

March 5, 2011. Embrace stronger

opens his arms and hands tend to something, because too many, too many things that are in our hands require. What? What, one wonders, is in our hands? We do not have money, power, media, capacity for corruption .. all these things we lack, it is true. On the other hand we have in hand, all but a cumbersome thing which we need to handle: the responsibility.
Many (too many!) Believe that each of us can only be heard by anyone without a sleeveless ... but it is not true. We must believe that our small voice counts, each of us can represent that which can be fatal goccina the camel's back.
Tomorrow, Saturday, March 5, 2011: If you are in Milan, come to the Central Station to h. 15, to testify against vivisection !
give voice to creatures who can not speak, we tend them a hand, we're going to defend them against a world view that - just like the Nazis did against all the peoples of the Earth - crushes unchallenged, with enormous cruelty, all the animal world: in the name of "needs" of human nella realtà a solo vantaggio del profitto di un'oligarchia che distrugge tutto.

E se siete a Roma, andate sabato mattina, 5 marzo, al Colosseo, abbracciate la cultura ! Se siete a Matera l'appuntamento è ai Sassi, se siete a Palermo al Teatro Politeama; se siete a Cagliari all'Anfiteatro Romano; se siete a Padova alla Cappella degli Scrovegni...
Ovunque siate, ovunque siamo, abbracciamoci e abbracciamo il mondo, mandiamo un pensiero forte e chiaro, in difesa dei più deboli e della bellezza.

Religiousget Well Wishes


Hello girls, there are, are still alive. I have not linked to about a month and I have a mailbox across from about 212 attappata mail ........ then I did medical ..., I went to find the car in Genoa, to pay EVER GENOA, a fine (which was to be salty!) e. .. I had some panic ... yeah, right, I suffer from panic! I have stumped many people for this and I realize that. are being treated with the drugs to keep under control this damn problem. I feel weakened, dispirited and tired, worn out by the nervous ... my level of creativity is no ... but I try to get back to sewing ... I have to send 10,000 swap but I can not even get out of the house ... but there assure I'm trying to go all out, I'm trying to get out in all directions ... with the arrival of my car I'm trying to build a relationship of absolute familiarity in order to tackle the traffic with more serenity ... but me 'I waited, you know? go ask the saint of my former driving instructor ..... poor, believed to be part of my crying ... but I did bring home to my sweaty license. when we say salt tears ....
now force me to go to the post office to ship all the things you expect from me ... I swear I do ...

now, I'll see all the mail to me ... wait a minute? 212 mail not just a few ...

oh my goodness ...... I can not credereeeeeee Mammamia .... ......

but you've seen here ?? won the candy of Sabrina .... ... I can not believe how exciting !!!!!! Sabry thanks!

✿ εїз εїз ✿ Candy said ...
here I am, I'm curious as a cat to see any of these projects go to link ... ...(^__^)
that was my comment!
troppooooo but are happy !!!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Headaches And Pregnancy More Condition_symptoms

Salted butter flavored

Here is the latest and say the last recipe with salted butter 1889. Now, after four recipes I would say that I no longer have to spend too many words about the context of Farms Fiandino in collaboration with A Touch of Ginger . You all know.

This is The last recipe, prepared last week ... I think the easiest recipe I will ever offer! It is butter flavored, seasoned. At my house we make every genre: parsley, garlic, anchovy (needless to say that is my favorite !)... unfortunately I had so much at home as I prepared a mock carpaccio with smoked salmon I thought of myself a couple of sandwiches with dill butter and red pepper at this point I suggested that I use butter on a thread ... a sort of fillet with green pepper is not exact. Butter with green pepper in brine and chives (just checked on my balcony).

I've also added a version of the cake with jam dressing for toast, biscuits, ham or even smoked.
Here they are, beautiful, fragrant (I have to tell you that butter should still be good?), Very photogenic! I use them often for dinner in place, or for drinks .. believe me they do a very good figure! Sbizzarritevi odors and add your choice ...

For butter flavored with red pepper and dill
1889 salted butter 80 gr.
dill 1 teaspoon
pepper 2 teaspoons pink beans

For butter flavored with green pepper and chives
1889 salted butter 80 g
erba cipollina  4 steli
pepe verde in salamoia 2 cucchiaini

Tirare fuori dal frigo il burro salato 1889 elasciare ammorbidire. Tritare gli aromi. Lavorare il burro con una forchetta eaggiungere gli aromi. Disporre il burro aromatizzato in un pezzo di cartastagnola e riporre in frigorifero per qualche minuto per solidificarlo queltanto per potergli dare la forma che preferite. Una volta data la forma riporrein frigorifero fino a quando non si sarà risolidificato.
Il burro al pepe rosa è perfetto se usato percondire il salmone e il pesce in generale. Il burro al pepe verde sarà ottimoper condire carne, pesce, verdure. Entrambi sono deliziosi se usati perimburrare il pane e offerti per delle semplici tartine al salmone o al prosciuttocotto.

Per il burro con la marmellata:
burro salato 1889 80 gr
marmellata di more e lamponi home made 2 cucchiaini

Let the butter soften unsalted 1889, worked with a fork, add the marmalade and mix. Serve in a bowl. Good on toast, biscuit, pancake or crepe up, but also with canapés of smoked ham.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Tutuinvitation Wording

Tarte Tatin with salted butter caramel

Recipe No. 3 for the contest of Farms Fiandino launched by Sandra A Touch of Ginger : Tarte Tatin with apples, a classic, with a bit more character thanks to the use of salted butter for the caramel.

You can prepare the pastry crust at home if you have time and desire, but if you buy a good quality is the same:). Some prepare it with the pastry so try and decide how you prefer!

You can also use this recipe for pies (replacing the caramel a good cheese for example) or to change the fruit depending on the season. Obviously the original apple is, for me, unbeatable (to me the sweet apple just make me feel good ... but the matter was already dealt with my Apple Pie ) The Tarte Tatin will make you a good figure, is really delicious! A recommendation: be careful not to burn the caramel, is lethal.

The use of salted butter 1889 note gives a much more feature-flavored caramel.
If prepared in advance, remember that warm is good because more heat it up a little before serving. You can serve with vanilla ice cream, or creme fraiche.

Tarte Tatin with salted butter caramel
For the crust:
flour 200 gr
salted butter 1889 100 gr
cold water 50 g

For the filling:
apples 6
salted butter 1889 100 gr
100 gr sugar
water 50 g

Prepare crust by mixing the dough and butter lafarina obtaining a cold sand. Add the Acquafredda, knead the dough the bare minimum, make a ball and lasciarriposare in the fridge to chill for half an hour. Pour the butter, sugar and water into the pan and cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes or until the caramel is not amber. Let intiepidire.Sbucciare apples and divide them into four sections. Situated on the caramel with ildorso down to completely fill the pan (in casotagliare some smaller segments to fill the spaces). Replace sulfuoco for 5-10 minutes. Roll out the dough into a thick disk about 4 mm. Coprirele apples with the pastry crust disk rolling up a bit 'edges. Bake bake in preheated 180 degrees for about 30 minutes or until the dough nonsarà golden. Place on a serving dish and invert the cake is still hot tortaquando. Serve warm.

Friday, February 25, 2011

What Type Of Weave Does Myamme Wear

Da oggi sono

Ai miei sostenitori chiedo di aggiornare il mio indirizzo anche se per il momento verrete automaticamente reindirizzati :)

Mi sono anche creata una email bellissima: dove potrete contattarmi per qualunque ragione vogliate.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Sables salted butter

Continua la mia avventura con questo eccellente Burro 1889 Salt for the contest launched by Farms Fiandino by A Touch of Ginger .

Today I present the Sables, the French version of English Italy's pastry or shortbread. Delicious, crisp, very easy.

What else? The cookies speak for themselves, you can flavor to whatever you want but be careful, just like the fettuccine twice butter, butter being the main ingredient, it must be really good or else the result will be disappointing. Of course, I chose these recipes because it enhanced the quality of butter! Salted butter in sweet preparations gives a very noticeable feature that increases the appetite (at the bottom always add the good old salt, no?).

doses of sablés change much. Every time I tried it I always found several recipes, I finally arrived at these doses that, in my opinion, are perfect to create a paste that is workable and that is buttery and crumbly at the right place!

I made cookies with vanilla and chocolate because I wanted to present them both. I used a cocoa exceptional portatomi from Martinique, is a pure cocoa, bitter, very aromatic, a compact sigarone scratch. Unbelievable. But, failing that, that's great of good quality cocoa.

You can replace the vanilla bean with a teaspoon of vanilla extract or a teaspoon of vanilla sugar. But since only a few ingredients you should usarne good to have cookies scented! If the vanilla flavor is not pleasing you cookies with zest of lemon or cinnamon, or with your favorite aroma.

I have some cookies stuffed with jam (thus combining two simply "a sandwich") .. needless to say that I used a home-made jam. I look forward to the summer to post all that preserves prepare!

Sables whites and blacks with salted butter
for approximately 35-40 biscuits
flour 250 gr
salted butter 150 gr 1889
100 gr sugar
vanilla bean
cocoa 50 g
jam of blackberries and raspberries (optional)

Cut the cold butter acubetti refrigerator and knead the flour with your fingers together to form a compostosabbioso. Cut the vanilla pod for a long, collecting seeds eaggiungerli butter and flour. Add sugar, egg and lavorarel'impasto quickly. Divide dough in half and add the cacaosolo a part of the mix in order to have half sablés of cocoa. Appenagli ingredients are combined to form a ball and wrap in pellicola.Lasciar rest in refrigerator for at least an hour. Roll out the dough to a 4 mm spessoredi about taking care of flour work surface and continuously ilmattarello to prevent the dough from sticking. Cut out the cookies of your choice of form (use a cut or cut biscuits with a knife ousate the edges of a glass). Line a baking tray with paper fornoe bake in preheated oven at 170 degrees for about 10 minutes or until cookies ibordi will not browned.
You can combine two unfilo sandwich biscuits with jam.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Shin Splionmore Condition_symptoms

to know you and know ...


Ecco un premio!!!!

GRAZIE Lullina  per il tuo pensiero 

e scoprirete anche che 
 un simpatico gioco è  iniziato...

the post title says it all
hard to know ... it's a nice way to promote ...

I liked wandering and I am certain that you will learn to discover

Le dernier cri



others will follow for a while ..

Sewing for me

casket Annapaola

rules to follow to receive the award are very simple:

Accepting the award- and write a post about it.

-pass it to other 3 / 5 blog beautiful and unknown (ie who have few supporters).

-Link the post to the person or people who have awarded the prize.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Lung Infections More Condition_symptoms

Fettuccine (double) salted butter

Fettuccine served with excellent homemade 1889 of salted butter Farms Fiandino : What better way to enjoy the taste of butter? The procedure of double butter is famous here in Rome, since it is used by the restaurant Alfredo Sow (famous). I do not have his hands eaten at the restaurant, but the butter and parmesan pasta I have eaten countless times and my house "double" is used butter a lot. In addition, however, lemon zest. At my house we always add the lemon zest and I always found something really cool. Refresh! All this is spiced butter and "lighter" in taste ... a round of applause to my mother (I think that the gimmick was his). When we speak of "double butter" does not mean that we add double the amount of butter, but add it at two different times!

With this recipe I participate in the contest Fiandino Farms where it was required to use salted butter. Contest found through Sandra A Touch of Ginger working with Fiandino Farms. Needless to say the happiness when I received the package since it contained, oltre a due panetti di burro salato 1889 ho trovato un pezzo di Gran Kinara (che avevo scoperto sempre nel blog di Sandra, qui ).

Arriviamo alla ricetta che, credetemi, dovete provare! Ovviamente il burro fa la differenza. E con questo burro di altissima qualità le mie fettuccine hanno raggiunto livelli paradisiaci :)

Fettuccine al doppio burro salato
dosi per 4 persone
farina 350 gr
uova 3
salted butter 1889 100 gr
Great kinara (as well as parmesan) 50/80 gr
peel lemon
ground black pepper 1

Place the flour and eggs in rompeteci. With a fork, beat the eggs and mix with flour. Once the ingredients begin to mix together with your hands. Knead the dough vigorously (it takes your muscles!) Until it is perfectly smooth and elastic. Fane a ball in a cloth and let sit for an hour. Roll out the dough (about 2 mm) with a rolling pin floured surface and roll it. With a sharp knife cut noodles (about half a cm). If you have a pasta machine you first. Boil lightly salted water, throw down the fettuccine and cook until they are afloat. Meanwhile in a large frying pan melt half the butter. School by taking a cup of cooking water and stir the noodles into the pan with butter. Add half the grated cheese. Place the noodles in the dish and melt the remaining butter. Mix well. Should be too dry add a little 'water cooking kept aside. Add the grated lemon zest, the remaining cheese and freshly ground black pepper.