Here they are, cookies che mostrano la mia vergogna, la mia perversione: il burro d'arachidi! Ebbene si, il burro d'arachidi mi piace, mi piace da morire ed è tutta colpa della mia (amata) cugina americana. Fu lei ad introdurmi questo strano burro che di italiano non ha proprio nulla. Avevo 17 anni ed ero a Los Angeles.
Ero un'adolescente ribelle, faticosa, insopportabile, con fidanzati improbabili e depressa al punto giusto. I miei genitori non sapevano più cosa fare e mia madre, bersaglio preferito per sfogare la mia rabbia, frustrazione ed insicurezza, dopo un anno di sofferenze decise che l'unica cosa da fare per "salvarmi" era mandarmi da sola in America ad imparare l'inglese e lasciarmi quello spazio di cui so I needed and hoped I would responsible. The mothers are often right, and although it might seem crazy to send a teenager "difficult" in America alone, it worked. Graziella mom knew that my health would be solved only getting full confidence and completely away from home (although I think the three best months of my life have been the most difficult for her). I spent a month staying with relatives in Philadelphia, a month in New York by a friend of my sister who was studying directing (full of attractive friends:)) and one month in Los Angeles from her who would become one of the most important people in my life : Erica the Fichissima American cousin (who for six years living in Rome!).
In that month, Erica made me entertain like never before and made me become addicted to peanut butter. Perversion at its best. I honestly do not ever buy it and when I do buy organic peanut butter, pure, no sugar and no added oils. Other denominations? Yes, yes, I admit it: sometimes I take a square of dark chocolate (my favorite) and dip it in the voluptuous jar!
To feel less guilty I decided to spread my perversion preparing to distribute the biscuits to friends! And here they are: the peanut butter cookies, so easy that a child could do it (and in fact the recipe comes from "Watch and Kitchen, a cookbook for children," Davis Tina, bought for illustrations divine!).
peanut butter cookies
brackets are my little changes
flour 190 gr (220 gr)
bicarbonate 1 / 2 teaspoon 1 pinch salt (plenty)
butter softened 110 gr
peanut butter 1 / 2 cup (circa 125 gr)
zucchero 100 gr (70 gr)
zucchero di canna 110 gr (90 gr)
uova 1
vaniglia 1/2 bustina (1 cucchiaino di estratto)
Mischiare la farina il bicarbonato e il sale in una ciotola. In un contenitore sbattere con le fruste elettriche il burro ammorbidito e gli zuccheri per un paio di minuti e poi add peanut butter. Whisk until the mixture will become clear. Combine the egg and vanilla. Slowly add the flour mixture and when it became sufficiently homogeneous to work with your hands and form a ball. Wrap in plastic wrap and store in refrigerator for at least an hour. Heat oven to 175 degrees. Remove the pieces of dough, form into balls of 2.5 cm in diameter and place on baking sheet covered with parchment paper. With the tines of a fork, flatten the balls on the surface, forming a cross pattern (the cookies should be about 4 mm in height). Bake the cookies for about 12 minutes or until edges are golden brown. Let cool on a wire rack and eat. For about 35 biscuits.
NB: I divided the dough in half to form two balls and one I added some unsalted peanuts, peeled and coarsely chopped. Council also try the chocolate chips:)
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