sorry Dear Reader 's no but my connection has decided not to run for two days. Wednesday and Thursday have been disconnected and lost. Yes, lost, totally. Not supposed to be one of those people who do not survive without the Internet and instead. I am one of those.
The recipe that I propose today was prepared Tuesday night after I realized that the cookie jar was empty. I look in the pantry and no reserve! Even the toasts were finished.
Anyone who knows me knows that breakfast is one of the happiest moments of my day and I do not have what I want I can get really unapproachable! I am in the morning I wake up hungry and I always eat breakfast: cup of milk Coffee (without sugar), biscuits or toast, fruit. If breakfast is after 9:30 and I'm not even running then add the toasted bread with butter and anchovy paste (yes, even in the morning! Do not judge me, please!) Or the delicious homemade jam or something as fast clafoutis or French toast, or toast with cheese, etc. ...
All this to tell you that at 22.45 in a panic decided to make cookies for tomorrow but the butter was missing (how much you hate those who leave the butter dish in the fridge !!?), empty so I opt for the stunning Laura Ravaioli carrot cake, chef at the Red Lobster that I admire a lot, of butter that has not!
The Ravaioli suggerisce di fare due torte usando due tortiere da 24 cm e, una volta freddate sovrapporle dopo aver farcito con crema al burro o crema pasticcera o marmellata o decidete voi! Devo dire che io amo questa torta così com'è perciò la preparo sempre dimezzando le dosi in modo da ottenere una sola torta. Oggi vi presento la versione Minicake perché non avendo nemmeno il burro per ungere la tortiera ho optato per i pirottini (che erano rimasti solo in 2 perciò li ho fatti con la carta da forno... Sarà ora di fare la spesa? :)).
Cake di carote
carrots 150 gr
sugar (I use the cane) 100 gr eggs 3
almond flour 150 gr
flour 45 g 00
yeast half a bag
rind of half a lemon
cinnamon (my addition) 1 cucchiaino
kirsch (io non lo metto) 1 cucchiaio
Grattuggiare le carote. Lavorare le uova con lo zucchero con le fruste. Aggiungere tutti gli ingredienti e gli aromi e mescolare bene. Infornare a 180° per circa 45 minuti.
Se fate i dolcetti nella teglia da muffin fateli cuocere per circa 30 minuti.
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