Yesterday was the "World Day of Migration." The 97 th for the clarification.
How is it possible? but .. 97 years are being celebrated? I had not ever realized, but I stick to official information.
Today the day has a significant ending with the opening of the race for regularization, which will culminate in the sprint to the "click" to submit to the Ministry of work requests completed.
Step by step, the path to follow find it here at this LINK .
Then, at 8 o'clock myriads of hands must be pronte a scattare per il fatidico "invio", in queste giornate:
1. lavoratori da Paesi con accordi di cooperazione con l'Italia: 31 gennaio .
2. l avoratori domestici e badanti di altra nazionalitĂ : 2 febbraio
3. tu tti i restanti settori lavorativi: 3 febbraio.
for grabs MANY LESS seats than would the needs of foreign workers ..:
86,580 new inputs + 11 500 Conversion of residency.
Who comes first in the sprint easily fall, all others will return to be exploited in black and, especially, to give a hand to the thousands of racketeering and illegal activities that need them.
on fb I found this comment, the "day of immigration, which we fully subscribe to and around:
we think the migrants, in particular, with the greatest affection, at Fatima, Jasmine, Amine, Asako etc. .. migrant women carrying bundles more than double its already heavy for their classmates. E ' precisely to migrant women, as well as ourselves, that we dedicate the calendar created by women against FGM, and che trovate a questo LINK . Scaricatelo, condividetelo, fatelo girare .
Ma, oltre a segnalarvi la fonte, lo posto anch'io nel mio blog, lo vedete per intero lì, a sinistra (se volete postarlo anche voi le istruzioni sono su questo blog ).
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