Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Complex Ovarian Cysts More Condition_treatment

a passion inside of each other! Linet

is a passion within the other: drawing and Japan! un'appasionata are drawing but most of 'ukiyo-e ... I find them really spectacular! Meanwhile, what does it mean ukiyo-e and who are the most prominent authors:
Ukiyo-e means "pictures of the floating world" then those drawings that have no real area as defined in this image

this kind of design was characteristic of the late nineteenth century and the greatest exponents of this art were:
painter of women
the master of landscape
Hokusai (my favorite!)
 il genio dell'ukiyo-e

una vista spettacolare del monte Fuji, la montagna sacra (in realtà è un vulcano) con la cima innevata almeno per 10 mesi l'anno. i giapponesi ritengono sia doveroso che almeno un pellegrinaggio sulle sue pendici vada fatto almeno una volta nella vita.

e che dire delle geishe? le "poverine" sono state relegate con l'appellativo di prostituta a partire dalla fine della seconda guerra mondiale dove, qualunque donna avesse il viso powdered (white) could be considered that ... m behind a geisha is a lot more.
geisha (芸 者 ) gei : art sha: person then, PERSON OF ART!
maiko ( 舞 妓 ) never : girl ko : dancing .... are "novices", teenage girls who practice to become geisha
this is a subject far too vast to discuss it in a single maybe in the next post ... and hoping not to bore you expand the discussion!


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